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  • Writer's pictureSaim Raza

The Cookie Department Wants His Cookies To Do More

What if you can enjoy cookies made with the same coffee grounds as a cup of coffee? Thanks to Akiva Resnikoff of Cookie Department, this dream was realized. Akiva not only created a new kind of baked goods, but also achieved this, that is, the truth inherits the roots of the family and does not forget its origin.

I cannot emphasize how much you will learn in this early stage, the surprises you will face, how many mistakes you will make, and how much you and the company you just started will deal with. The more control you have over startup, the more you can decide what works, what does not work, and how much you can pay without affecting product quality or customer experience. When you are small, at least expensive and adjustable, you want to make mistakes and learn as much as possible, so start with your market before expanding.

In 2009, I was sitting in a coffee shop and observing how guards protect coffee after buying biscuits or roasting coffee with coffee. After 60 trial and error, we finally determined the signature cookie.

Awaken Baked was born, so I started selling products to five or more local Berkeley restaurants. As my ambitions were getting smaller and my mother’s kitchen was not big enough to bake, I agreed with my cousin to bake bread. . Berkeley. That day, I was the sales manager of his company. At night, I baked about 20 dozen biscuits.

How do you keep it fresh and enjoyable?

In the first few years of my full-time job, as well as baking, packaging, leading and marketing my cookies, they sometimes felt a little tired. Sometimes I wonder why I have to work so hard day after day, day after day, without any business training, immediate financial reward or guarantee that my efforts are futile. My belly and a clear vision of what I am building.

The problem it solves

Satisfaction with people who love sweets often leads to two crimes. We support those who love biscuits in order to satisfy their cravings for these foods and at the same time bring you any benefits! Maybe she got a banana, for example, she pointed to the kitchen and said: "Of course in the banana department" is available in the Cookie section

How you make money:

We sell biscuits to food service retailers and retailers, as well as online organic retailers, delicatessens, college campuses, sporting goods stores, movie theaters, gift shops, coffee and beverage shops, and candy and bars across the country. By guiding customers through our website and many aspects of online retail, I am very satisfied with the idea of ​​managing the endless opportunities of the company, no one limits my value, ability, creativity or how much rest I receive in it. Of course, I haven't had a rest for three years, and I work more than 90 hours a week, but this is my choice because I have built something that my family and investors are proud of.

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